Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tired of Googling for Technical Solutions

If you're like me, perhaps an IT person like a developer, administrator or some sort of support resource, I'll bet that you spend oodles of time Googling for technical answers to error messages, or how-tos. If you are and do, you really need to know about if you don't already. is a paid technical knowledgebase that spans Operating System issues, Software Development language challenges and much, much more.

I have been using for several years now, and I can say that it has been one of the best technical resource investments I have made, even over training classes and technical books. So, at the risk of sounding like an salesperson, you should check it out.

The pricing page, linked here: outlines the cost matrix, which trust me is worth the investment/expense. The "Community" member level is fine, but to really save time you'll need to be at least a "Premium" member to get access to the quick solutions for problems that haunt your day to day technical work.

One more thing, don't forget to put in the "dash" between "Experts" and "Exchange" in the web URL address, otherwise you end up at ... LOL , I made that mistake at work once.... once.


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